

12:42Millicent Metcalfe

After having somewhat a nostalgic time looking through my old iPod - circa 2007, (Second generation nano - it's a classic) I was enjoying reliving my good ol' tween days. Top of the list was Aly & Aj. Now, for those of you who weren't once a tween girl wishing she were on Disney Channel *ahem, that totally wasn't me* you may not have any idea who the hell they are. Fear not, Aly & Aj are/were an American pop duo formed of sisters (you guessed it!) Aly & Aj Michalka.

Now, having grown up in the spotlight (them, of course, not me) Aly & Aj released a few albums here and there under Hollywood Records, but apparently, never anything that was truly them.That I now know because of their new image change. Taking a break from the whole 'Disney' era, they took some time out before releasing their next single (only like, 5 years) to really understand what it was that they wanted from a music career, and what they would be contented to put their name to.

This is where '78Violet' came in. 

After joining Hollywood Records all the way back in 2004, by 2009 the sisters had renamed themselves 78Violet, and by the next year had left the record label too. So, onto the reason I actually started writing this post.

78Violet bring a newer maturity with their sound, harnessing a whimsical, breathy tones to their songs, instrumentally staying airy and beautiful. The almost poetic sound that they've created is simply stunning, and seems to be a much needed change for the sisters. This is is a far cry from the the 'bubblegum' pop of everybody's favourite Aly & Aj hit 'Potential Breakup Song'. They've also given themselves a new look, which I think we began to see in their music video for 'Rush', a new divine, dainty approach to their style, with Aly donning a new hair colour really pushing their new look forward.

The singers released their latest single back in 2013, called 'Hothouse'. (To clarify, that's a greenhouse for us English folk). Again, whimsical and breathless, their voices harmonise perfectly and the acoustics paired with the modern backgrounds makes for a radiant track. Of course I cannot mention this track without also mentioning it's counterpart - the music video.

 The video for 'Hothouse' begins with a lengthy monologue, (around three minutes) and whilst it's all very poetic, I don't necessarily think it's crucial for the understanding of the song. A mix of black and white, paired with coloured shots - it's all very beautiful. I could pause the video at any point and every shot would still look incredible. Boho hippy and incredibly chic, this ethereal beauty completely suits the mood of the song, and couldn't be a better fit. This isn't the only track I love either, tracks like 'Boy', 'Heart' and 'Crawl' are also some of my favourites. Their Billboard music sessions really show some live vocal work, which they've really put some hard graft into, especially after a 5 year break. 

Ladies, you're definitely 'Hothouse Flowers' and I hope to see your music careers blossom as well as you have. 

Go on, give it a listen. 

Millie x

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