
James Bay.

13:26Millicent Metcalfe

Ah. Another long awaited Artist Feature.

I was lucky enough to be able to see a live performance of Tom Odell with my lovely friend Alycia last night, at Manchester's O2 Apollo. Just to mention the gig was amazing. However, I wanted to take a moment not to praise Tom, (although he was as usual great) but instead, one of his support acts.
I'll admit i'm as surprised as you are, I was anticipating writing a post on Toms set, not some random guy he got to hype the crowds up.
However, The first of Tom's two great support acts was a 22 year old young chap from London, James Bay. After clearing up the fact his name was infact James Bay and NOT James May, (like the fella from Top Gear) I'm just going to admit it right now. When he came out, the audience made primarily of women, went wild. Myself included. Looking pretty casual in jeans and a hat, I wasn't expecting much from him (I never do with support acts).
But it was, just wow. His voice was so on point throughout his set it almost hurt. James Bay manages to possess an untarnished strain of talent that not many musicians possess anymore. His raw expressions and gravelled voice work perfectly in unison, magically capturing the audience immediately, and the melodies sending goosebumps over the crowd with perfect ease. It was clear he knew what he was doing, elegantly and effortlessly charming the crowd in between songs, made much easier by his voice. Lets get one thing straight, He has serious talent.

His music was that of a singer/songwriter that had a sort Ben Howard/James Morrison essence about him and yet he held the acoustic charm of James Taylor. I think we can tell already that he was a winner in my book. He played an acoustic guitar, as well as a vintage semi-hollow body too.
They say its better to leave the audience wanting more, rather than outstaying your welcome, and I think its fair to say he did just that. His set was quite short, and I desperately wanted to listen to more of his tracks.
I had never heard of him until that night, but from what I heard, I predict things are going to get big for James Bay in the future.
After listening to his EP and his demo's I would have to say my favourite tracks (although I love them all) are 'When We Were On Fire' 'Collide' and 'Need The Sun To Break'. They are all beautifully put together songs, with sincere vocals and matching lyrics. I love all of his songs, a rare quality I love to find, and I hope you will too.
I was also lucky enough to meet James after the gig, where he was LOVELY and gave me a signed demo. (and a picture of us both) I won't share the picture as I look awful, but it was an amazing experience getting to meet him in person, and to just say hello.
Mr Bay has already managed to gain a great deal of support already, mustered from his touring across America in support of his debut E.P 'The Dark Of the Morning' and a UK tour with Kodaline.
After his tour with Tom Odell, James will be headlining 15 dates of his own, only to finish with more dates alongside Kodaline.

I will be no doubt making desperate efforts to try and see him again. I loved his performances and feel confident that he's going to go far.

Any particular advice from me?

Go for it James.

 Millie x

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