
The Colourist.

09:01Millicent Metcalfe

The Colourist are a 4-person band from Orange County in the wonderful USA. Led by singer/guitarist Adam Castilla, and vocalist/drummer Maya Tuttle, they are also joined by Kollin Johannsen on guitar and bass and Justin Wagner on bass and keys. This awesome foursome present an unblemished bit of talent combined with some beautifully placed melodies, tied together with a sharp electro base. The Colourist first stumbled upon one another in an underused warehouse in Orange County, where Adam and Maya discovered the 'harmonic chemistry that has come to define the bands bright and charismatic signature sound.'

Their polished tracks immediately captivated me in a way I hadn't been for a while. Listening to 'We Won't Go Home' I was bopping along within minutes. This by far is my favourite track, followed by 'Fix This'. The track 'We Won't Go Home', has some electrifying guitar riffs and stunning vocal work from both Maya and Alex. I must say though- Maya has impressed me the most. It's rare to find a drummer with the ability she possesses, yet is still able to harmonise nearly every note so perfectly. She pulls off with such effortless supinity, showing she can easily keep up with the boys. Although 'We Won't Go Home' is slightly repetitive it does make it all the more catchy.

The Colourist have performed some incredible gigs for such a new band. Their current track record includes supporting  well known bands such as The Wombats and Metric, as well as playing Coachella. Their indie pop vibe has had me wowed, and quite frankly? it seems it's had the same effect on everyone else that's listened to the band. I'm glad that their fanbase is growing, why wouldn't people enjoy their flawless dance pop? and if they say that they don't like a little bit of dance pop they're most likely lying, and you my friend, don't need that kind of negativity. The Colourists fans are in love with their fusion of dance indie pop, never failing to wow. They're a gem for any fan of the genre.
The Colourists 'Lido' EP left me desperate for more of the bands recordings. With only four songs to it, they still managed to show off their vocal and musical ability, laced with hooks, riffs and lyrics that still leave you breathless. (Though i'm not sure if thats from the dancing, Trust me you'll want to dance.) Adams vocals are the at forefront of the bands songs with Maya's being more hushed. I personally think this works well for the group, letting the instruments do their thing, and combining to make a dream of a record. The debut album coming from these guys is going to be stunning.

I cannot wait for their rise in the future, and i'm pretty sure they'll go far on their own. Here's to their success and I wish them all the best.

I just hope they don't keep us waiting for too long, i'm not sure I will be able to last.

Millie x

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