
Not your traditional Summer.

14:14Millicent Metcalfe

With the official start of summer having arrived, I had no doubts that my musical choices for many of my upcoming posts would follow in summery suit. But I even managed to surprise myself with July's obsessions. A large dose of wallowing, relaxing songs with not an upbeat, gleeful tune in sight. As for the elephant in the room, i've been on holiday for a while (it was wonderful) and have been extremely busy, & haven't been blogging as much as i ought to, *Slaps back of hand* - it won't happen again. 
Now that's out of the way, I give you summer's '5 Track Playlist.' 

1. Gabrielle Aplin.  I have come to realise i'm a little late on the wagon here. Toted as a 'female Ed Sheeran' i must have missed a lot. I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to English Rain whilst i was on holiday, the album isn't a bold record by any standards, however the gentleness and simplicity of Aplin's melodies is what makes it worth listening to. Her voice is a wash of pastel in a musical cloud of grey. She sings pure, unadulterated lyrics that have surprising impact on those who listen. She sings of loss, and laments on time gone by. Well done Gabs. Favourite Tracks: Keep On Walking, Home, Salvation, Human & November.

2. Josh Record. Mr Record has been a wonderful addition to my iTunes. (With a name like that though how could he not be in the music industry?) This Folky-pop singer hits the nail on the head when it comes for indie based cool, perfecting harmonies and sitting snugly with top dogs like Mumford&Sons and Ben Howard. My favourite track from his EP is the titled track 'Bones'. This incredible track is in my opinion quite summery, the equivalent of taking a brisk walk on a sunday afternoon or taking a cool shower on a hot day. Wide Awake is very similar too. Now go on, listen. Favourite Tracks: Bones and Wide Awake.

3. Kodaline. This is where things get a little bit summery. I mentioned the Irish lads in my post on James Bay as they toured together. Since then I have developed quite a love for this band. My love affair with folksy, blues music is clearly becoming an ever growing issue.Their folk infused goodness had me enchanted from the get go with Steve Garrigan's voice never failing to keep me intrested. Favourite Track: High Hopes. 

4. Florence and The Machine. This lovely lady has made a comeback to my holiday playlists once again capturing my heart with her earthy enchanting vocals. It's been a while since i'd listened to Ceremonials but by gum i'm glad I did. Lungs has also made a guest appearance on my iPod,and thoroughly brightening my day. Go Flo. Favourite Tracks: Breaking Down, No Light No Light, Kiss with a Fist.

5. First Aid Kit. My favourites at the minute, with their kooky style and fantastically harmonised voices, i'll be surprised if this swedish duo don't do well - especially with a name like First Aid Kit. I love them already. Favourite Tracks: My Silver Lining and Stay Gold.

Hope you Enjoyed! 

Millie x

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