
It's been a while: The Edit #5

11:49Millicent Metcalfe

I’d been considering doing this blog post for a very long time. Almost an entire year infact. When I started this blog, back in 2013 I used this as an escape. A place to talk about my most recent musical discovery. It was my hobby, and what’s really important to remember during this blog post, is that it still is. I love reading blogs. I always have, and I always will. I don't really think that will ever change.

There is something very comforting about being submerged in someone else’s words and photos, their thoughts, and their feelings. Very recently It suddenly dawned on me that other people may have felt the same way about my blog, and there was nothing new for people to get lost in. Having had my blog for almost 2 years now, it’s been one of those things that I go through phases of loving and then despising. My life over the past two years has definitely got a lot more hectic, I’ve become much busier and have my fingers in plenty more pies than just this original space. Between A-levels, my personal life, family and friends life has gotten extremely busy. I’m not the best at multitasking in general, and It’s very easy to put a lot of effort into one thing, only for another to fall behind without really noticing. Which as time went on, meant that this blog became more and more neglected. *Cue sad face*. 

 I’ve been working on getting back to blogging for so long now, and I’m so happy to be able to reveal it to you and to tell you that I’m back to posting blogs of things I’m loving, things I’m feeling and places I’ve been. It’s not very often (or at all recently) that I sit down and do a “spur of the moment” blog post but I was in a reflective mood and started to think about how different things were for me this time last year. Obviously I don't share a huge amount of my life with you guys anyway, although I do see you all as my internet buddies, there is a massive chunk of my life that only my close friends and family know about that has never been introduced online. For the purpose of today let’s just say that this time last year I was a very different person. 

This year has been one hell of a rollercoaster for me and my blog. I’m not writing this blog post to tell you the back story or to explain if everything got better, but what I do want to do, is reassure any of you that may be going through a hard time, that things DO get better. It may not feel like it, but with a few little changes, they will. Nobody leads the perfect life, and things that you aren’t prepared for may get thrown at you, and sometimes it’s really very hard to battle those problems and sticky life situations. I just want you to know that you can do it. It might take days, weeks, months or years. Everything happens for a reason and everything we go through moulds us as people and make us who we are. 

Looking back through this little blog as I’ve been editing the old posts (and removing some that made me facepalm so hard I almost broke my nose) I noticed how much has changed and how lovely it was to read back on the little things I’d almost forgotten but was so excited for at the time. My blog is like an old diary that I’ve dusted off and cracked open and I’ve found myself smiling at all the old music I’ve uncovered. If you’ve been here from the start, then welcome back and my blog has missed you. If you’re new around here then hello, take a seat, grab a hot drink and enjoy the original source of all things “Drops of Jupiter”.

And you know what? 

It feels so good to be home. 

Love, Millie x

*Photo's used in this post are my own.

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